Hello MFF Perth is back! sorry for the lack of posts lately as I had to prepare for my exams right about my wonderful trip to Japan, this only added to my post-japan-depression. So now my holiday is over and my exams are over i can finally start contributing to the blog :)
I have taken a total of 2000+ photos in japan and they will need to be sorted out and edited before i write the japan entries ok? please be patient and dont stop reading the blog!!!
To all the hard workers out there, TGIF. i know no one can concentrate on anything on fridays, so just continue making toilet trips, coffee or tea, chat with your neighbouring colleague, read the papers, take a long lunch and your day will be over soon! u are welcome for the tips btw.
This was an entry that i've written longgggg ago when i was infected with the baking bug. Just a short one about failure cupcakes.
CMI (cannot make it) CUPCAKES :
I have taken a total of 2000+ photos in japan and they will need to be sorted out and edited before i write the japan entries ok? please be patient and dont stop reading the blog!!!
To all the hard workers out there, TGIF. i know no one can concentrate on anything on fridays, so just continue making toilet trips, coffee or tea, chat with your neighbouring colleague, read the papers, take a long lunch and your day will be over soon! u are welcome for the tips btw.
This was an entry that i've written longgggg ago when i was infected with the baking bug. Just a short one about failure cupcakes.
CMI (cannot make it) CUPCAKES :
I tried to make low-fat cupcakes because I have been baking too much recently. I felt lost without cupcakes in the house, i felt empty without eating any cupcakes for the day, so if i bake low-fat ones I can still continue to eat them everyday right?
Went home after a dreadful day at work, i thought baking will lift my spirits up.... sounds like a good plan! bake and eat sugary mood-lifters afterwards...
Read on and laugh, its ok.

Then i thought of a brilliant (NOT!) idea of putting a spoon of custard in the middle of the cupcake, sounds good so far. maybe my spongey cupcake will have a gooey custard filling in the middle...maybe...

(actually they were quite yummy, just that i didn't expect them to turn out this way)

I decorated the cakes with strawberries (i have heaps of them, i kept buying because it's so cheap but I cannot finish them, what is wrong with me?), drizzled white chocolate sauce, topped with icing sugar.
the cupcakes were ok, quite nice but they were just not what i wanted to make. the texture was wrong, it wasn't spongey with custard filling, the custard made the cake moist, taste a bit like a hardened pudding. Despite all that, I still had feedback from nice people that the cakes were good :)
as long as they know i didnt meant for it to turn out this way, they might think its a really good custard-pudding cake! hahaha
so on top of a shitty day at work, i went home and baked cup-puddings ...
this was not my day....
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